On simply being INSPIRED…
Maybe all we need to do is be present with it and how it feels to be inspired.
I watched as this majestic monarch floated from one purple coneflower to the next and then would disappear from the garden altogether.
This happened on and off for a few hours. I thought about getting my phone to take a photo and then I decided to just admire it with my eyes instead.
Later I started to take a few photos of the sky from below the coneflowers, curious how it would turn out. And just like that, the majestic monarch fluttered across as I was taking the photos.
Monarch butterfly flying overtop of purple coneflowers
It reminded me that maybe when we’re inspired by something beautiful that all we need to do in the moment and possibly at all is to take it in.
Maybe all we need to do is be present with it and how it feels to be inspired.
I don’t know about you, but I need this reminder often….this permission slip to feel what it’s like to be inspired in my body and in my imagination….without the internal pressure to do anything A.S.A.P. with that inspiration.
Trusting that some inspiration and beauty are meant for us to simply feel, admire and appreciate AND there are other times when inspiration is meant to fuel our energy and imaginations.
It can be both, it doesn’t have to be an either-or.
I’m so curious to know what’s inspiring you these days?
What beauty have you been admiring and just being present with?
For me, it’s all the bees, crickets, toads and baby tree frog I’m noticing in the backyard.
It’s the goldenrod that’s starting to change colour in the patch of long grass that’s not yet been cleared for houses.
It’s mixing oil pastels with watercolour paint and crayons.
It’s the late summer, almost fall sunsets.