Don't confuse proving, for desire. Getting clarity on what you WANT to create.

What you feel you have to create in order to prove something is probably in opposition to what you really WANT to create.

If you were to sort through the stack of what you think you need to do/create in order to prove:
.... you’re creative’re an artist have something to say.....etc.

I wonder how often, more would show up.
I wonder how many tasks would be influenced by comparison.

Something else you might how void of meaning many of those tasks and to dos are.
How terribly vague they all are.

On the other hand when you think about...

What would give you an OVERWHELMING amount of joy to create?

What creative urges feel so strong, you know you’d regret ignoring them?

What do you feel pulled towards and fascinated by?

I’m guessing the answers to those questions might fill your imagination with images and possibilities. Maybe some incredibly specific and inspiring ideas, feelings and visuals came to the surface. They may even feel like they are yours to create.

When you sort through the creations and to-dos motivated by proving….what creative desires and longings await you?

I encourage you to write and list out the things you feel you have to do to prove, to “keep up”, to be seen in a certain way by others. Then reflect on those questions that are about getting to the heart of what you WANT to create. Compare the answers and lists. Notice what shows up in one and is absent in the other. Come back to this exercise if ever you’re feeling weighed down by expectations or that your creativity is being motivated by the need to prove.