How to restart your creative project or practice AGAIN! Creative Mindset, Creative Practices, Unblock your creativityKrista KankulaOctober 15, 2023how to restart your creative practice, how to restart your creative habit, how to begin creating again after procrastinatingComment
How to create when you're not so in the mood to be creative Creative Mindset, Creative Practices, Unblock your creativityKrista KankulaOctober 15, 2023creative block, creative tips for writers, what to do if you don't feel like writing (for creative writers), tips for creative people, tips for creatives when you don't feel like creatingComment
Exploring our Creative Roots Just for FUN, Journal Prompts, Unblock your creativity, Painting & Process ArtKrista KankulaOctober 27, 2021CREATIVE Visualization, creative painting activity, self-connection through creativity, connect with yourself through creativity, joyful creativity, the possibility picnic, online creativity workshop, online creative workshop, exploring your creative roots, taking inspiration from trees for our creativityComment
Exploring What it Means to be Consistently Creative Unblock your creativity, ENCOURAGEMENTKrista KankulaOctober 19, 2021Comment
Starting (or restarting) a creative practice with intention and joy Creative Practices, Unblock your creativityKrista KankulaAugust 25, 2021Comment
Organize & Declutter your piles of creative ideas Journal Prompts, Unblock your creativityKrista KankulaAugust 25, 2021Comment