A potent question when you're deep in the overwhelm and feeling deflated by perfectionism...
Whether it's your business, a creative calling or just life "stuff, most of the time there is no "finish line". Meaning there will always be more "to-do's" and things to accomplish. Sometimes the thought of that overwhelms and distracts me (can you relate?!) and brings on the anxiety. So lately I've been asking this question.....
We can choose to look at everything we STILL have to do and be overwhelmed and deflated by it or we can choose to define for ourselves, "what does enough look like?".
I ask myself "what does enough look like?" before I begin my to-do list for the day or before I even plan out the following week's list of tasks. It helps me remain focused and realistic with what I can do that day or week and keeps my wildly ambitious expectations in check.
Even though I know there's more to do tomorrow and the next day and so on, defining what's enough for me, brings me the peace and calm I need.
What does enough look like for you, in your business or creative calling?