A thought that can encourage us in the creative and marketing process
I come back to this thought when I’m working solo on a project and need reminding…
The thought is..
Even when you’re creating by yourself….you’re rarely if ever alone….you’re always co-creating and collaborating with someone or something else.
That something or someone else might be…..
Mother Nature
a vision
a younger or future part/evolution of ourselves
a spiritual connection
a phrase, piece of art of body of work created by another human
an animal, human or a whole group of them
...to name a few
This thought feels like a ripe invitation for all of our imaginations…like…
What if we thought of the people we get to contribute something to and work with as collaborators and co-creators instead of clients, an avatar or members of an audience?
Even if we’re working on a business/project solo …what if we considered ourselves as a part of a team of people across the world bringing more practices, beauty and expression to whatever it is your body of work focuses on?
How might this thought shift..
How we approach the creative process..
How we see ourselves and what we are creating…
AND how we interact with our fellow collaborators…
I’m not by any means suggesting we use this thought to bypass feeling lonely, that’s a real feeling to express and tend to OR that we use it to dismiss the reality that we may physically live or work alone. I’m also not going to pretend I embody this thought perfectly.
But what I will say...is this thought drenches me in wonder and meaning...
This thought is an invitation to shift out of the mindset of competition….to create with more connection to who and what we’re collaborating with.
This thought is an invitation to bring all of that and what our imagination conjures up because of it into our creative process.
Let me know what comes up for you when you shift your perspective towards COLLABORATION and how you’re always a part of something BIGGER?