5 steps to help you spend more time creating just for FUN (without the pressure to perform or perfect)
A few weeks ago I posted a poll in my stories….loud and clear the message unanimously was that more time and space to create just for fun, without the pressure to perfect or perform is something A LOT of us are craving…
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For me painting has been my main just for fun creative outlet over the last 6 years. Though the reasons why I paint have changed and shifted one thing has remained consistent….
….this playground and space to create just for FUN always has continuously been a gateway to experience so much more...like self-discovery and more self-connection, practicing resilience and patience, rebuilding self-trust, JOY...so much freakin’ JOY to name a few.
I picked up the paintbrush initially because I was both curious about what it would be like to paint, I had a craving to try it AND because I was in need of an activity where there was no pressure to perform, it was just for the pure fun.
It then became an outlet for stress relief, hearing my intuition, detangling from striving and perfectionism in my career and fitness goals. I noticed how I got more comfortable with making messy imperfect art. This practice is also why I’m a creativity facilitator and coach. It’s what cracked open my capacity to think and be creative in ways I never thought were possible for myself.
And it's interesting to reflect on all those amazing gifts that painting, gave me, because really I never set out to receive or experience any of that.
What’s also interesting about all of that is if I had set all of those goals and intentions to build self-trust, connect to my intuition, relieve stress, untangle from perfectionism, I probably either:
(a) would never have started painting at all (HELLOOO OVERWHELM and unrealistic expectations)
or (b) started but became weighed down and frustrated by all of those expectations because they would have taken away from the pure joy of the process and the reason I was drawn to PLAY and PAINT in the first place.
I bring all this up because when we carve out space and time to play, to create just for fun, we're of course going to experience many positive side effects……. but the just for fun part needs to stay close to us. It needs to be at the core of our intention for creating.
Because that becomes the reason we show up…….that intention translates into energy that propels our hands and body into creation mode….that becomes the gateway to experiencing all those positive side effects….
So how do we go about dedicating time and space to do just that….
Here are 5 steps to help you create just for the pure joy of it
Inspired to create more time in your schedule and business to create just for fun…….Download this complimentary worksheet to help you brainstorm and design your own PLAYDATES a.k.a. Just for fun creation and play time!
And because you’ve read this and from your own personal experience you also know that with consistency and curiosity, creating just for fun will become a playground for so much more.
Tell me…. what’s one creative + playful activity you’re committed to exploring, just FOR FUN, this month?